Saturday, June 25, 2011


I've been working non-objectively (abstractly) for a few months now. It's hard (has to come entirely out of my head and/or gut) but fun. Generally I do these with mixed media: collage, acrylic paint and inks, drawing, gesso . . . whatever seems to work. It's awfully difficult to know when one is finished, though. I usually paint (or glue or draw) then prop it up for a while until it tells me what to do next, fiddle, prop, etc.
Sometimes they feel finished but I'm never entirely sure. Anyway, here are three paintings in the prop phase waiting for inspiration. Critiques? Suggestions?


Sadami said...

Hi, Jane,
Very beautiful and interesting works. Crefully scattered pieces show unity in well organized compositions. Colours are so eye catchy. In my eyes, they all originally come from nature such as flowers & trees. Thank you for sharing precious work! I always learn lot from you!
Kind regards, Sadami

Bobbi Price said...

I would say you have some nice starts. I see trees in to second one.

Bobbi Price said...

These are all great starts. I see trees in toe second one.

Bobbi Price said...

These are all great starts. I can see trees in the second one.

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Jane...I especially like the tree one in the middle painting against the non-objective background. That one really works for me.

My fav watercolorist is Carl Purcell and he most often adds dashes of a pretty blue...Horizon Blue by Holbein in his paintings to add interest, which is what I see in this painting, also. That color is very much like the color you have added in the tree painting.

Unknown said...

What is it all about??? I mean it is so deep that it is almost impossoble to understand the meaning of each architect. So complicated for me.
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Unknown said...

Post is preaty good….beautiful pictures...I like them very much...Thank's author for that:)

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