Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Purple and Gold

Playing with colors and "loose" painting. This is watercolor and Caran d'Ache crayons. The drawing, such as it is, was taken from a photo of somewhere in Scotland, but the colors are not Scotland. Right now the sky is white. I did some computer experimenting with sky colors. Any suggestions?


Watercolors by Susan Roper said...


For the same reasons that I choose those for my paintings, I tend to like the yellow sky for this. I think it integrates the entire painting and makes it warmer, overall. I am not sure this works for you, but that is what I like!


Anonymous said...

I think there is so much to look at in the painting that the sky should not make a statement and I like the very light blue/gray sky. It's there but doesn't take you away from every thing else. Sue