Saturday, September 15, 2007


Last night was the opening reception and awards for the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society's 2007 International show. Fran, three other friends and I packed in one car and drove the hour and a half to Lancaster . . . all so they could watch me win an award. It was a strong show with 80-some well-executed paintings and I was amazed and excited that I'd gotten in, much less won an award. We found a notebook with the award winners in it with comments from either the juror of seclection or the judge of awards. The latter's comment about mine included something like a "spontaneous little [it's a quarter-sheet] watercolor" and ended with "any painter that can put green on the paper and not create mud deserves a pat on the back." Anyway, that's me on the right, getting my award.
The painting in question is earlier in this blog, posted July 27th.

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