Thursday, November 8, 2007

Woods Light

Back to watercolor! I painted this from a photo I took the other day while a friend and I were walking in the woods . . . with the dogs along, too, of course. She had her camera with her and I grabbed it to take this picture. The leaves are gradually changing here, after a record-breaking, hot October and the woods are gorgeous. I think they're gorgeous any time of the year, actually.

The painting and the photo of it are brighter than this Blogspot-generated size. This looks better if you click on it and get the bigger version.


RH Carpenter said...

This is sooo lovely, Jane, I wish I was walking along this path, too. I admire your work in pastels and watercolors equally as you seem to have mastered both mediums.

Rodrigo Chavez said...

hey this is an other level of watercolor, i really like it... hope yo can comment my owns¡¡ at