My sweet brother gave me white roses for my birthday last weekend. I took them to our art studio yesterday to share with the other artists. I've never been able to paint roses without them looking just like big blobs, so I spent some time drawing individual flowers. Then there was only a short time until our lunch break and critique time. Every now an then when I have that sort of short time I just do a quick sketch and loosely apply color and something amazing happens. I'm not sure this pastel is amazing, but it's loose and different from my usual. I used a charcoal stick and drew three blossoms from my sketches, then put the color on with the sides of my pastels (the equivalent of using a big brush with watercolor). I probably used too much pink to have the blossoms look white; I only had a limited number of pastel sticks with me and a short time. As always, I invite critiques and remind you that you'll get more true colors if you click on the image for the larger version.